A Traditional Wife Looks at Life in a Modern World

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, many people find themselves yearning for a simpler, more meaningful way of life. This is especially true for families who want to pass on important skills and values to the next generation. In an effort to build a life that is worth living, some families, like ours, have chosen to live a traditional life in the midst of modernity.  Let’s see how this might look from the perspective of a traditional wife.

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: – I Peter 2:9

Sadly, many wives who begin with high hopes and great intentions soon get swallowed up by the world’s system.  Loud voices are calling to you from many directions, encouraging you to leave your homes and find your worth in society.  Fearful they will somehow fail or get family life all wrong, many wives give up early on.

that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. – Titus 2:4-5

Perhaps we don’t have many examples of a traditional wife from the generation before us to glean wisdom and encouragement from.  Thankfully, one invention of the modern world can serve as a tool to repair this gap.  The internet has many distractions, but it also has deep resources for the traditional wife.  If you are struggling, I want to reach out my hands of encouragement to you through this blog.

We desire to do differently for our daughters.  We desire to build strong women of faith, content in the strength and power they find within Christ.  Power to shape and build their own homes based on the values instilled in our home and the skills developed to succeed in the face of all odds.

Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. – II Timothy 1:6-7

Embracing Old-Fashioned Values

Living a traditional life means embracing old-fashioned values that have stood the test of time. These values include honesty, respect, hard work, and self-sufficiency. By instilling these values in our daily lives, we hope to create a strong foundation for our family and future generations.  We have observed that the best tool for accomplishing this is home education.

When children are out of the home on a regular basis, much opportunity for developing modern appetites are ignited.  These appetites can take the place of those interests that could and would be nurtured were the child at home.  A mother’s loving guidance can help the child along the path that he or she was created for.  An intentional pursuit of their gifts from childhood can prepare them for life.

Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it. – Proverbs 22:6

Learning Essential Skills

One of the key aspects of living a traditional life is learning essential skills that have been passed down through generations. Skills such as gardening, cooking from scratch, woodworking, musicianship and sewing not only provide a sense of self-sufficiency but also foster creativity and resourcefulness. By teaching these skills to our children, we empower them to be independent and capable individuals.  Learning to self-educate is one of the key commonalities that enabled our nation’s founders.  We strive to inspire this in each child in our home.

There are many of these old-fashioned skills which can be experienced via the modern lens of the internet.  Countless skilled craftsmen, engineers, gardeners, and cooks have presented highly valuable and informative videos and blog posts detailing their skills.  These are not only inspirational, but they also serve to help quickly weed out a misplaced interest without investing great amounts of time or money.

Additionally, local Facebook groups are thriving with people who desire to share their talents with others.  Many even meet on a regular basis for the benefit of all the members.  For example, we have become much more confident in our beekeeping skills since joining our local beekeepers group.  This is just one example of many.  We have also found resources online for our children to explore their talents and interests in robotix, coding, and foreign language lessons.  There is literally a modern skills feast available online which the wise parent will curate with care and supervision.

And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. – Deuteronomy 6:7

Connecting with Nature

In our pursuit of a traditional life, we have found solace in connecting with nature. Whether it’s tending to our garden, going for hikes, or simply enjoying the outdoors, spending time in nature helps us appreciate the beauty and simplicity of the world around us. It also allows us to teach our children about the importance of environmental stewardship and the value of all living things as described in the Genesis account of Creation.

A Charlotte Mason home education philosophy has certainly fostered a huge interest in nature for me as well as my children.  We enjoy various degrees of success at sketching or painting what we find, but our ability to simply name many types of trees, herbs, flowers, and wildlife tracks has vastly increased for all of us.  Climbing trees, following some tracks, or simply stopping to enjoy a flower’s scent is a joy no child should be robbed of.

It is normal to care about what you know about.  When children (or adults) are strangers to the natural world, they often find this unfamiliarity scary.  We shriek and stomp on spiders, or mindlessly spray poison on weeds.  Neither behavior is good stewardship.  Children familiar with the natural world, its weather and seasonal cycles are not easily deceived by climate-change propaganda.

Building Strong Relationships

Living a traditional life also means prioritizing strong relationships with family, friends, and the community.  As a traditional wife, your efforts are the key to making these relational opportunities come to pass.  We believe in the power of face-to-face interactions and meaningful connections. By spending quality time together, sharing meals, and engaging in activities that promote togetherness, we create a sense of belonging and support that is frequently lacking in today’s digital age.

Diligent effort placed on building relationships teaches our children that people matter more than things.  When we play games, when we serve others a meal, when we complete projects together, it is both quantity and quality time well-spent as a family.  The essential skills of communication, interaction, and expression are observed and developed in a far superior way than any screen-time can produce.

Challenges and Rewards for the traditional wife

Living a traditional life in a modern world does come with its fair share of challenges.  These challenges are felt equally by parents as well as children.  The demands of technology, societal expectations, and the pressures of keeping up with the fast-paced world can sometimes make it difficult to stay true to our values. However, the rewards far outweigh the challenges.

By living a traditional life, we are able to create a sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. We are passing on valuable skills and timeless wisdom to the next generation, ensuring that they have the tools they need to navigate an uncertain future.  Along with a generous old-fashioned education, it is important to offer opportunities to experience modern issues and technologies within the safe environment of the home.

Have the difficult discussions and allow yourself to be vulnerable as your child poses questions that you may not have considered or ever have been faced with.   As a traditional wife, you are building a life that is worth living, one that is rooted in tradition, yet adaptable to the changing times.  Well-grounded children that love well and walk in Truth will be your reward.

Encouragement for the traditional wife

Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. – Phillippians 4:5-7

After careful consideration and much prayer, my husband led our family to pursue this life, a life of that has brought much contentment and peace to our marriage and our home.  Do not be afraid to follow His leading in the face of others’ disdain.  Ultimately, you will reap the reward for your efforts if you don’t give up or give in.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. – Galatians 6:9

Living a traditional life in a modern world is not about rejecting progress or isolating ourselves from the advancements of society.  My goal as a traditional wife within this family inspires me to seek and find a balance between the old and the new.  A dose of biblical moderation helps us along this pursuit to live intentionally in a way that aligns with our values and aspirations. It is about cherishing the past while embracing the opportunities of the present.

As a modern family living a traditional life, we are committed to passing on the skills and values that have shaped us, in the hopes of creating a better future for our children and generations to come.  Please join our journey!

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