Marital Intimacy

benefits of homeschooling
The Immeasurable Benefits of Homeschooling: A Guide for Parents
Have you ever stopped to calculate all the ways homeschooling is a blessing? Once you get started, you may have a difficult time finding a stopping point. Individuals, families, and societies all reap...
how to start homeschooling
Here's How to Start Homeschooling in 3 Easy Steps
If you’ve ever felt that your children were given to you by God for a specific purpose. Read on. If you feel a calling to bring them home with you but aren’t sure what comes next, then this...
modern traditional family
A Traditional Wife Looks at Life in a Modern World
In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, many people find themselves yearning for a simpler, more meaningful way of life. This is especially true for families who want to pass on important...
spiced cider
Celebrate a New Family Tradition: Hot Wassail Drink
What is wassail and why don’t we go a-wassailing anymore?  These are just a few of the questions that this home-educating mama was forced to answer for my kiddos one year.  They knew Hot Wassail was a...