Strengthen Your Family Bond: Heartfelt Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day Together

Valentine’s Day is almost here. Yes, you may be thinking this is another made-up excuse to sell excess candy and cards…and you’re probably right. This is also another opportunity for you as a homemaker to really shine. With a little creativity and focus you can can turn Valentine’s Day into one of your family’s most treasured memories. Let’s discover some ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day in our homes!

Celebrations: An important part of making home a haven

If your family is involved in the learning lifestyle, Valentine’s Day is an excellent opportunity to uncover ancient lore, church history, and the intersection of modern day celebration. Where on earth did that naked little cherub Cupid come from anyway? Our family has taken the time to dive into the origins of Valentine’s Day and we hope you will too.

valentine's homemaker

Since it is not as dark and demonic as Halloween, we have decided to give it our own emphasis of love, and dive in enthusiastically. Christians are mean to show love. This is the Greatest Commandment, the Golden Rule. Valentine’s Day can serve as a valuable reminder of this and provides an excellent opportunity for teaching and training our children.

This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. - John 15:12

Creative ways to celebrate valentine’s day as a Family

This is where it gets really fun! Since we home educate, I usually have the kids decorate a shoebox “mailbox” for themselves at the beginning of the month. You will need to help the really little ones, but let this be a chance for creativity with your older kids with markers, glitter, etc. Some of mine have made “permanent” mailboxes from wooden craft boxes they found at Hobby Lobby or plastic shoe bins from Dollar Tree.

Throughout the month everyone should be making and collecting small tokens of affection, especially written notes to share on Valentine’s Day. DO NOT forget to have them include Daddy! Once you help them get started your children will take off with their own interpretation of how they want this to go. As a mom, the Valentine’s Mailbox ends up being a sort of Christmas Stocking revisited.

Some of the items I include might be another book in a series they are reading, socks, warm-weather pajamas, one favorite candy or chocolate bar, a notepad, sketchpad, or journal, special pens, flavored chapstick, a pack of caps for the cap-gun, a paintbrush set, charcoal pencil set, yarn for a project, a favorite oil for their diffuser, hair accessories, or anything that is appropriate and appreciated.

We also do things that make the day itself a memorable event. Some ideas are heart-shaped pancakes dyed pink and chocolate-covered strawberries for breakfast. It can be a gesture as simple as making strawberry-flavored milk instead of white, heart-shaped pizzas for lunch, or take the time to cut the pepperonis into hearts, drink a red soda. Again, this is not the norm, it is special. That is what makes this day stand out and form a fond memory of home. This is making home a haven!

My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. - I John 3:18

Some of the special things you try will become a hit. These are the things your family requests and what becomes a tradition year after year. For us, this was my Valentine’s Lunch Punch. Served in special goblets, a not-so-special punch becomes the taste of tradition.

Valentine’s Day Lunch Punch

Course Drinks
Cuisine American South


  • 2 Liter Starry Soda
  • 1 Cup Pink Lemonade Drink Mix
  • 48 Oz Pineapple Juice


  • In a large pitcher or punch bowl combine pineapple juice and drink mix.
  • Stir well.
  • Just before serving, add Starry Soda to pitcher or bowl.
  • Pour over glasses of ice and enjoy!

Decorative ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

The winter decorations usually blend pretty well with any Valentine’s decorations that I might add. The main focus is usually the dining room and maybe a few cute pillows for the sofa. My home tends be pretty neutral so some of the bright and bold Valentines’ decor is just not for me. I have sewn a set of place mats and a table runner that I really love, paired them with some nice candles and a pitcher of freshly-cut roses from my rose garden, and called it good.

Young kids especially love crafts. If you have more younger children than older, take the time to make some paper-chain streamers and handmade cards. Decorate the living room or school area with these creations if that would delight your child’s heart. Take every opportunity around this “holiday” to remind them that they are unique, they are loved, and they are a gift to your family.

For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.  I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. - Psalm 139:13-14

Much of our family focus is on breakfast, lunch, and daytime celebrations. It is good to make it very clear to your children early on that tonight is special for mommy and daddy. Whether you will be home or not that night, they need to understand that tonight has been reserved for just the two of you. Prepare for the eye-roll as they get older and figure things out! This is life.

Reminder: Don’t forget to call the grandparents on Valentine’s Day to remind them how much they mean to your family!

laughter and romance: How to love your Husband this Valentine’s Day

An entire post could be written for this and I am sure one will be in the future. Whether you are spending Valentine’s Day at home with the kids, heading out for a romantic evening, or even planning an overnight getaway for the two of you, make it memorable. Small, thoughtful gestures are often the most meaningful. Candles, mood lighting, and music go a long way when saying, “tonight is special.”

Specific expectations and visions from romantic movie scenes will only serve to interrupt your imagination and intimacy. Have a goal in mind of spending quality time with your husband focused on the bond of love that you share. To kick off the evening and get the fire going, maybe you could write a list of the specific memories you have that are the most meaningful and special to both of you. Feel free to refer to special times of intimacy that you have shared in detail. Prepare yourself and remind yourself why it is that you came to love this man so much.

Romantic Ways to celebrate Valentine’s day at home

If you will be spending your evening at home with the kids, be sure to put them to bed early. No exceptions other than a nursing newborn. Begin your evening with a nice meal together. If the budget allows, have your husband bring home dinner from your favorite local restaurant and keep it warm in the oven. Otherwise, cooking a meal together can be a very bonding experience. Talk and laugh together as you spend time doing something that is out of your normal routine.

ways to celebrate valentine's day

Once dinner is finished, you might clear the table, but this is one night when the dishes can definitely wait. Spending time with your Valentine cannot. Maybe you could sit on the couch, watch your wedding video and enjoy dessert together. Do you enjoy showering together? This is a perfect night for that, so lock the bathroom door. Some couples enjoy games, movies, or massage. Take a bubble bath together or turn on some soft music and dance with the lights turned low if that is what you need to complete your transformation from mother to passionate lover tonight.

One of the most fun ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day at home for us has been a Treasure Hunt. We take turns each year deciding who comes up with the clues for the hunt. This is really romantic and builds a lot of anticipation. Since my husband loves the Amazing Race, my clues generally involve an adventure-type stunt or action around the house that builds up to the big prize. For some reason the final clue always seems to be located under the covers.

Exciting ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day Out

Now that we can spend the night “out on the town,” the Treasure Hunt clues can get even more clever. If you know you will be going out for the night, don’t overwork yourself that day. Plan ahead a few days so that you can be fully present with the kids, but keep your focus and your energy on the time you get to share with your husband later.

help meet

Send him to work with little notes and hints about what to expect later. Hide them in his wallet, car, or lunch. We can even use the modern life to our advantage by sending messages, emails, and texts that let him know what you have in mind for later. As you know, real romance is not raunchy. You can craft the clever words that let him know that tonight will be very good.

Flexibility is the most romantic move of all

Typically, dining out on Valentine’s Day can be crowded and complicated. Plan for that and don’t allow delays and disappointments to ruin your evening together. Be flexible and willing to alter your plans. Sometimes an unexpected change of plans can lead to the best experience after all.

Keep your car and dinner conversation playful and light. Flirt if you like, but do not talk about home, finances, or the kids at all. I know that is difficult, but you can do it for just one night. Plan ahead with a list of conversation starters if that is what you need to do. Just don’t expect your husband to list the twelve ways you are better than a movie-star off the top of his head. That requires heavy thinking and preparation. Tonight is for fun, not fights!

When reading this article, I hope you have kept in mind that celebrations and traditions are personal and specific to each family and couple. Some of the ideas here may sound great, while others just don’t resonate with you. The goal here is to inspire you to get your creative juices flowing and to keep the focus on your loved ones.

Ministry is people, and these people you share a home with are your ministry. Love them, cherish them, treasure them. When the time comes, you will see that you were actually given the greatest Valentine of all!

Drop a comment below to let me know some of your family’s favorite ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day! I look forward to hearing from you.

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