Preparing Your Heart for Hospitality: Be A Good Neighbor

spring poundcake

Are you trying to implement hospitality into your home but don’t know where to start? Let’s begin today by preparing ourselves for what that means. This aspect of the homemaking ministry is often neglected in today’s modern lifestyle. It is a vital part of our mission to be a good neighbor. Let’s get to it!

Use hospitality one to another without grudging.

I Peter 4:9

There are many how’s and why’s surrounding hospitality today. In reality, there are no hard and fast rules, other than the instruction to do it. What if you have no idea what that looks like, or what it might mean for your family? We are going to set out today to prepare ourselves and our hearts to begin this journey of hospitality.

A Good neighbor will Have a respectful attitude toward Their neighbor’s beliefs and how they run their home.

Right off the bat let us just clarify that behaving respectfully and condoning behaviors is not the same thing. As a Christian, you must prioritize from the start your relationship if you want to have access to your neighbor’s life. You will be seen as an enemy if all you do is offer disapproving glances and remind them that they’re raising their children completely wrong ever time you meet. Begin with a friendly approach even if there are significant issues that divide you.

And the barbarous people shewed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold.

Acts 28:2

When unbelievers see genuine acceptance from us (as Christ showed) they will be far more likely to accept our efforts at hospitality. That hospitality is not itself the end goal, but rather a tool used to discuss worldview and to show them in real life the Christ who came to save them.

Often when they see you acting on your beliefs even when you do not feel like being Christ-like, they will be drawn to consider your behavior and even comment on it. That is when you will be able to share with them your belief that all humans are image-bearers and of great worth. When you act on this higher calling, you are behaving with dignity and sharing that basic dignity with others who are also made in God’s image. Wives, this is indeed rare behavior in this modern life!

With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men:

Ephesians 6:7

Share with your Father your desire to be a light and confidante to your neighbor.

It is not a silly thing to make your desire to be trusted by your neighbor a matter of prayer. In fact, this will likely serve to keep your heart sincere and your responses Christ-like. Prepare yourself for when you are finally asked to share your neighbor’s burden. This will likely take place in a time of much distress and with great emotion. You will need to bathe your response in prayer.

Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

Psalm 55:22

Be prepared to hear their burdens with a mug of hot tea, perhaps a slice of pound cake, and warm and tender hands that say, “I hear you and I am here for you.” A canned response that you will pray for them is not enough. Take the time right then to call out to the Father on their behalf. Many have never been prayed for in their life! This powerful yet gentle act of kindness will do more to ease their burden than you can imagine.

mug of friendship

Don’t delay. Purpose to be a Good Neighbor today.

Most of us understand that loving our neighbor does not have to mean our actual neighbor, but it can. We often find our neighbor in many places along the pathway of life. Maybe she is the lady cutting your hair, the lady in line next to you at the DMV, the other mom sitting on the bench with you as your children explore the playground. I believe the Father gives us many opportunities to get to know and love our neighbors.

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Hebrews 13:2

Maybe your mission is your actual neighbor. Showing hospitality to the one who lets their dog out to poop in your flower bed is a tough one! Sometimes our mission is harder than others, but it is a task that all believers are called to. We might as well do it with grace and with excellence.

Be prepared with practical help.

Your neighbor may ask for your help in many different ways. It may look like helping them get their weedy jungle of a flower bed under control, maybe they need help with their son twice a week when he gets off the bus, maybe they are sick this week and you take them a loaf of bread or a meal. The opportunities to be hospitable are endless and will arise more and more as we lend ourselves to this practice of being a good neighbor.

Well reported of for good works; if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints’ feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work.

I Timothy 5:10

Be prepared with life-changing help.

Here, of course, I am talking about the Gospel. The good news that Christ came to save is still the best news. It is still the greatest gift of hospitality that we have to offer. Why? Because we know that it has the power to transform lives. A good neighbor will be ready with a gospel tract. Keep a small New Testament in your bag. Today we even have the entire Bible at our fingertips. You can use your phone to share Christ with someone, not just new recipes or lovely decor. Modern life is not without its benefits.

traditional pound cake

Before I go today, I want to leave you with a very special recipe. My Aunt Rita, whom I affectionately call Aunt ReRe, has been a Titus 2 example in my life for many years. She is a good neighbor; known for her hospitality, fellowship, and for being a great cook. Her focus is never on fancy. She just welcomes all into her home with a generous heart and a comfortable place to take refuge from the storms of life. This is her Sour Cream Pound Cake recipe that I share with you here.

Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.

Romans 12:13

Please let me know down below how you and/or your neighbors liked this pound cake. I’ll be sure to pass your comments on to Aunt ReRe.

Aunt ReRe’s Sour Cream Pound Cake

A decadent slice of Heaven to serve your guests made with rich, creamy whole food ingredients.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Farmer
Servings 10 folks


  • 1 Mixer Stand or Hand Mixer
  • 1 Bundt Pan Tube or Fluted will work


  • 3 C Organic, Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
  • 3 C Organic Sugar Sucanat, Unprocessed, or Coconut Sugar will also work
  • 6 Fresh Eggs
  • 2 Sticks Butter
  • 1 C Cultured Sour Cream
  • 1/4 t Baking Soda
  • 2 t Real Vanilla Extract
  • 2 T Powdered Sugar optional, for dusting


  • Cream butter in mixer;
  • Add sugar, then eggs, on at a time.
  • Add vanilla.
  • Sift flour;
  • Measure 3 cups, then put in soda and sift 3 times.
  • Add flour to butter, sugar, and eggs.
  • Lastly, add in sour cream.
  • Bake in prepared tube or bundt pan for 1 hour and 30 minutes at 325 degrees.
Keyword Real Food, Whole Food, Farm Fresh, Dairy

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