Delicious Meat and Cheese Bake: Frugal Meals for Lunch

broccoli ham and cheese bake

Do you have just a bit of this and a bit of that left in the refrigerator from dinner earlier this week? Then you are just a few steps away from a variety of frugal meals for lunch. Let me show you.

Most of us know that the cheapest meal to eat is the one you’ve already paid for. Sometimes that is easy to say and difficult to do. Especially if you are not feeling very creative. This one meal hack really transformed the way I view leftovers and I hope it does the same for you.

Some of us can eat the same food re-heated and not complain. However, there are others living among us that do not share this same ability. Maybe for them leftovers were a punishment, a re-run of something nobody liked the first time. Maybe for you they were a disgusting, fuzzy science experiment found weeks later in the back of the refrigerator.

HOme-making with frugal meals

Being a homemaker requires that I am a good steward of the resources placed under my care. Namely, the food budget. Before we had livestock, I always felt a pang of guilt each time I scraped real, valuable food into the trash can. The animals now help with some of this, but I also have a better handle on our food situation as well. This recipe was one that made a big difference for us. In fact, sometimes this is a bigger hit than the original meal.

Let me introduce you my friends to the bake. This hearty and filling meal is usually just meat, cheese, and some complimentary vegetables if available. Some of the variations we have enjoyed have been spinach, ham, and swiss; steak, cheddar and mushrooms; broccoli, ham and cheese; and even a version of pizza-style with pepperoni, mozzarella, and mushrooms. All of these frugal meals were made from the backbone of my wonderfully versatile Everyday Bread recipe. She never disappoints.

The outcome is only limited by your imagination and the ingredients you have on hand. Somehow just a little becomes enough to warm and fill each belly around the table. The toppings are optional, but definitely serve as an extra wow factor for presentation. We usually serve this with a fruit or a side salad but not much more. Soon we are all fed and back to work on our educational or other pursuits without a lot of fuss.

Broccoli Ham and Cheese Bake – Frugal Meals for Lunch #1

Begin by preparing the the Everyday Bread Recipe as directed. If you are in a hurry you can end the first rise after only about 30 mins. Punch down your dough and divide it into 2 equal portions. Roll one piece of the dough into a rectangle. Sprinkle leftover cubed or shredded meat along one edge approximately 1-inch from the edge and towards the center. Top the meat with your veggies, if available and finally 1 cup of freshly-shredded cheese.

Fold that 1 inch strip of dough over onto the ingredients. Pull and stretch as you roll and fold the dough over the ingredients and into a log. Tuck the ends under and carefully place on prepared baking sheet.

Repeat for the other piece of dough, if you also have a large family to feed. Otherwise, this is a perfect time make a Cinnamon Swirl Loaf with it or maybe try a fun loaf of Jalapeno Cheddar for sandwiches this week.

It’s all About presentation

Decide if any condiment, sauce or gravy will be added in the bake or served alongside for dipping. It is completely your preference. For example, if you are doing ground meat and cheese for a cheeseburger style and adding pickles and onion, you could also squirt on a little ketchup if desired, add salsa for a taco bake, etc. Remember, your aim here is to transform food that might otherwise go to waste into something that tastes amazing. Chicken Cauliflower Ranch Bake anyone?

Never underestimate the transformative power of cheese and freshly-baked bread. We have made this a regular part of our weekly frugal meals for lunch rotation during the fall and winter months. We hope you will find ways to do the same!

You can let me know here how your bake turned out. We would love to hear if you tried something unusual. Share your inspiration with us in the comments!

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