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The Ultimate Homemakers Guide to Daily Habits Plus Resources
What is the one area of your life as a homemaker that, if you made changes to, would yield the greatest benefit? As mothers we are constantly struggling with balancing homemaking responsibilities, relationships,...
homemade chocolate chip cookies
Mama's Best Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies
Aah, cookies and milk. This is the quintessential traditional mom snack. Make these homemade chocolate chip cookies your go-to, no-fail family favorite. Let’s face it, some classic mom homemaking...
how to start homeschooling
Here's How to Start Homeschooling in 3 Easy Steps
If you’ve ever felt that your children were given to you by God for a specific purpose. Read on. If you feel a calling to bring them home with you but aren’t sure what comes next, then this...
broccoli ham and cheese bake
Delicious Meat and Cheese Bake: Frugal Meals for Lunch
Do you have just a bit of this and a bit of that left in the refrigerator from dinner earlier this week? Then you are just a few steps away from a variety of frugal meals for lunch. Let me show you. Most...
frugal living tips pantry
Discover 8 Pantry Essentials You Should be Making Instead of Buying: Frugal Living Tips Series - Part 1
Do you remember the story of Old Mother Hubbard going to her cupboard, only to discover it was bare? While I am not quite sure how that happens, I do know that there have been times as a new homemaker...
spring poundcake
Preparing Your Heart for Hospitality: Be A Good Neighbor
Are you trying to implement hospitality into your home but don’t know where to start? Let’s begin today by preparing ourselves for what that means. This aspect of the homemaking ministry...