What Does a Traditional Wife Do? How to Become a Traditional Wife

husband & wife

As a wife, there is a lot of information available to you in the internet. Much of it is conflicting and often overwhelming. It is my goal in this post to break down for you the main areas which need your focus and effort.

Perhaps you are new to marriage, or even 5 to 15 years in. It really does not matter. If you are at a point of re-examining your priorities, if you are looking for fulfillment in life, I want to help!

Finding ways to be more connected to our spouse and home is more crucial than ever. This is not merely a fad. It is a real hunger, a craving, a sacred calling.

Before we can answer “What does a traditional wife do”? we must first determine how to become a traditional wife.

Be sure you know your “why” when you are ready to become a traditional wife

If you have known since childhood that you wanted to be a stay-at-home wife and mother then you likely already know your “why.” If you have grown up in modern society, attended college, and observed much entertainment and media, then you may still be seeking your “why.” Maybe what you were taught by radical feminism was that life as a wife is somehow less of a life. Only a career can bring true fulfillment. Now you see reality for what it is.

Surrender. That’s it. Surrender is truly the first step to become a traditional wife. Lay down what society has imposed on you as normal and seek out what God’s Word laid out for us years ago as truth. Your home and marriage will benefit, society will benefit, your nation will benefit. You will realize fulfillment that you never knew existed, but first you must surrender.

For many of us wives daily surrender is also necessary as we grow and become the women we are to be. Other articles on my site discuss this further.

Keep your why handy at all times – you will need it as you face occasional discouragement

Don’t leave your why in a box.

Whether it’s a photo of you as a couple, a beautiful scripture in a frame, or a simple page torn from a magazine, keep your why visible.

There will be times you may wonder why you have chosen this life. They do not come often, but they do come. Be prepared with encouragement and inspiration for yourself as you battle the lies and thoughts of discouragement that seek to overwhelm you.

Find a True Friend – a real Titus 2 type woman to mentor and encourage you

On your path to become a traditional wife you will have questions, lots of them. You will need a reliable source to glean from.

Ideally this would be your own mother or even mother-in-law. Maybe it is a woman with a wonderful marriage that you know from church. Regardless of whom you choose, be certain that they are grounded in biblical truth and worldview. Often times our peers are not the best source for this kind of help as they are currently facing the same struggles or cannot relate as they have chosen not to be at home.

Wasting your time on unsound wisdom is not worth it!

Bathe your mind in books and blogs that reinforce and give insight as you seek this lifestyle

Well duh! I’m reading this blog, aren’t I?

There are many books to read and bloggers to follow on this topic. Just be certain they hold Scripture in high regard and that traditional family is elevated, not radicalized. I do offer book reviews and lists on this blog that I have found helpful on my journey.

What does a traditional wife do?

A traditional wife has in her primary focus the care and keeping of her husband, children, and home. You do not have to have children to be a Traditional Wife. If you are working outside the home, under the control of another man (or woman) who is your “boss,” then making “home” your focus is all but impossible. The “you can have it all” narrative is an utter deception if you are career-oriented. You cannot serve two masters. Having gotten that out of the way, we can now move on.

Perhaps you are looking for a list detailing what does a Traditional Wife do. While sometimes lists are helpful and I do have a few on this site, I want to emphasize that the heart of homemaking – becoming a Proverbs 31 woman – is not simply the keeping of a static list of do’s and don’ts. Each husband and wife will determine, based on Scripture, what this looks like for their home.

“She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.” – Proverbs 31:12

Use the Traditional Wife Modern Life as a research tool

If you are looking for more tips on your journey to becoming a Traditional Wife, I hope that you will find my blog a valuable resource and a wise use of your time.

What are some of your own best traveling hacks? Share them with us below!

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