Embrace the Traditional Life

A Beautiful Life

Learn the beauty of balance between your traditional lifestyle and modern culture. Stand strong and make a difference.

Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
- II Thessalonians 2:15

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Top 10 Stewardship Habits for Looking Well to the Ways of Your Household
Do you have a plan for your money? Not just a budget but a master plan, a list of habits and practices that you live by to steward well the resources you have? If not, let me get...
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Recipe for Keeping Produce Fresh for Weeks
Let’s face it. Right now our grocery budget is just not getting us as far as it once did. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a way to keep produce fresher longer? How nice would...
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Strengthen Your Family Bond: Heartfelt Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day Together
Valentine’s Day is almost here. Yes, you may be thinking this is another made-up excuse to sell excess candy and cards…and you’re probably right. This is also another...
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German pancake
German Pancake Recipe: A Delicious Way to Start Your Day
If I had to choose one, just one breakfast to serve my family that was both delicious, filling, and nutrient-dense, this German Pancake recipe would be my choice. Served simply with...
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The Immeasurable Benefits of Homeschooling: A Guide for Parents
Have you ever stopped to calculate all the ways homeschooling is a blessing? Once you get started, you may have a difficult time finding a stopping point. Individuals, families, and...
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Creating Family Ties that Bind Hearts together | Dirt Dessert Recipe
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Homemaking Arts

Do you have the DIY gene? Perhaps a flair for being creative? Well, let's find out! Here you will find my latest collection of creative homemaking projects and gifts to ignite the talent in you.

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Marital Intimacy

Intimacy is a vital pillar of a strong biblical marriage. Whether you are are struggling in this area or not, there is much wisdom to be shared. Sometimes you will have questions as you enter a new season on your journey to life-long intimacy with your spouse. Maybe you are just curious about meeting each other's needs. We have some helpful principles that are sure to inspire your efforts.

Learn more about traditional wife modern life

I look forward to meeting you as we journey together learning to love our husbands and make our homes a haven.  Please take the time to get to know me and the source of my passion for living this traditional life in a modern world.

Looking for some inspiration in the kitchen?

Our Recipe Archive is full of delicious, family-approved baked goods that go way beyond homemade bread.  We aim to nourish the body as well as the soul.  You can feel great about serving your family these foods as you take time to prepare them with your little homemakers.  Then gather around the table together as a family to enjoy some lovin’ from the oven.  Bon Appetit!

mama's in the kitchen
serve soup

We’d Love to Hear From You

Hearing the struggles and victories of other Traditional Wives is so inspiring.  Reach out anytime with your questions and comments.  Your feedback is very highly valued.